Legal Information and Resources
Help Saves Lives from Overdose Act - MT House Bill #333 - 2017
Sections 4-7
Makes it possible for the public to legally obtain the opioid overdose reversal drug Naloxone without a prescription, and to administer it in the case of an emergency.
Section 9
Gives immunity from certain laws (such as drug possession) to people who call for help in the event of an overdose-related emergency
These protections encourage people to call for help instead of hesitating in an emergency
MCA 45-10: Model Drug Paraphernalia Act
Enacted in the early 80’s
45-10-101: Outlines dangerously vague definitions of drug paraphernalia; i.e. under 45-10-101(j) it could be argued that a pair of pants constitutes drug paraphernalia if drugs were held in the pocket
45-10-103: “Criminal possession of drug paraphernalia” can result in a maximum penalty of 6 months in the county jail and/or a fine of up to $500
45-10-107 (3): Grants an exemption from this law to “persons acting as employees or volunteers of an organization, including a nonprofit community-based organization, local health department, or tribal health department, that provides needle and syringe exchange services to prevent and reduce the transmission of communicable diseases.”